How to Get Better Music Quality from Your Existing Stereo Speakers
If you want to listen to music with better quality, you have to buy better speakers, right?
Wrong. When I learnt to use my speakers better, they sounded much better. I had no idea these budget speakers from 2005 were capable of such quality.
Here’s what to do:
Place your speakers in front of your sofa, not on your computer table, because you won’t appreciate the music while you’re working on your computer, distracted. Even if they’re sold as “computer speakers”, it doesn’t mean they have to be on your computer table.
Place the two stereo speakers significantly apart, so that they form an equilateral triangle with you. This creates stereo separation, unlike when the speakers are close to each other. It’s amazing. It’s like hearing another layer to your favourite music, making it richer.
Sit on the sofa and listen. Don’t walk around, because the music quality won’t be as good.
Don’t use Bluetooth. It sounds noticeably worse than a wired connection1.
Or experiment, by playing your favorite song via Bluetooth and wired, back and forth, at high volume, in a quiet room, and trying to identify a difference.